With a new year come (new) resolutions. Promises to be made, so they can be (probably) broken.
The idea, of course, is not to break them. To achieve that, one should set small goals over the whole year and not just big ideas at the beginning of the year. The likelihood that these will fail is much greater. But even best laid plans can fail. If the goals were just small things, one can recover easier than if the big thing is failing. We will see in a year's time how that approach is going to go.
First, we shall have a look back to the old year.
I came of from a high of the #solo23 contest. I thought I could carry on that zeal with new projects into 2024. I started Season 3 of Iron Stories with the intention on continuing that through the year. But came march, that enthusiasm seemed to have slowed down. I think I wanted a bit too much.
There was also a small update on A.D.A. to update the investigation rules. But that was it. I haven't felt the muse or the desire to continue with this project. Which is a bit sad, since I think that there is a good game in there. Maybe I don't have enough experience yet to finish this.
Then there came nothing for a long time. The year ended with the Knave 2e Game Jam. I finally managed to publish an adventure. It introduced me into some new worlds: Desktop Publishing and itch.io. I have still much to learn but this was the high note for me in 2024.
There has been some stuff going on in the background. I rearranged some stuff and updated the page slightly. Most obvious is the Projects page, that received a bit of an overhaul. I'm still not 100% convinced, but it's a start in a new direction.
As mentioned in the beginning I don't want to make big flashy goals so that they break very easily. I think that is what happened last year. Let's not repeat that again. Nonetheless there are some big picture goals that I want to happen, but I will break them up into smaller pieces so I can hopefully achieve them better.
A few things I found out last year, that I liked writing adventures (and to also play them of course). I've got some good feedback. So that is something I want to do going forward. This pushes me on finally bringing to paper so many ideas I have. It also means I got to write more and also play more.
I picked up the TTRPG hobby now 5-ish year's ago. By no means I'm an experienced Game Master. In my playgroup there are people that did this since they were 12 - to not age them (or me), let's say, that they are not 12 anymore but at least twice as old. So far though I had good feedback in the sessions I did for them. I may have new fresh ideas or a different view on things, since games were way different back then. So even though my words might not carry any weight - in terms of experience - I still hope that maybe someone likes them.
- Write at least two articles about a new adventure - I already have some stuff in the pipeline. I started designing something new at the end of last year. So I should be able to write some articles on that and the process I took.
- Write at least one TTRPG article showing my view - This is a blog. So far I mostly posted project logs and the (occasional) actual play. I want to write some more about things I encountered in the TTRPG world.
- Minor rebranding and behind the scenes stuff - I don't fully like my tagline anymore. There's not much about boardgames anymore (or was it ever) and I don't want to solely focus on solo gaming anymore (although this is still somewhat in my heart).
Let's see in February how these goals went.